More About Me

A South African born Scottish resident. Lives with a fiancé, a toddler and a cat. The cat is called Whisky.

In a previous life I worked in the Marketing Communications Industry. Organised a few events and exhibitions. Penned a few articles for various publications, sent out a few Press Releases and knocked up a Marketing Strategy now and again. I used to work in an office, I now work for The Toddler.

Can mostly be found in the kitchen, the playroom or in the car en route to ballet, playgroup or a ludicrously overpriced and overheated play barn.

On bad days we bake, do crafts and make stuff. On good days we dance, sing into wooden spoon microphones, do lunch and hit the Disney Store.

Blogging about parenting, the sisterhood, being a domestic goddess and other such lies; shoes, food and other sugar fixes that keep me going on any given day.

When reading this blog keep in mind this little gem of a quote, Author Unknown, "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

All views and opinions are my own and do not reflect those of The Fiancé or The Toddler, even though I am mostly always right.

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